Category: Web site
Name: i
University: i
Email: i



Category: Web site
Name: James Dowers
University: City University Students' Union
Email: education@city.ac.uk


The City Crew are behind you mate All the best

Category: Manifesto
Name: Matt Abel
University: Brunel


You can count on my support and if you need any help on the day - let me know I like the manifeso - maybe a litte bit long - I like what you are saying though
Matt Abel President Brunel Union

Category: Manifesto
Name: Mark
University: WMANUS


I will spread the word - you are going to do really well
Mark Asp

Category: Web site
Name: Kelly Parker
University: Liverpool Hope Students' Union
Email: hopepres2001@yahoo.co.uk


Well I know where our votes are going and if I have my way the Northwest will vote Brooks too. Hope are behind you 100 %. You are the only NUS member who has been to Hope and you are always interested in what we are doing and ready to lend an ear for our gripes. We're with you Brooks, for us there is only one true candidate.
Mandy Schmandy

Category: Web site
Name: Matt
University: Huddersfield
Email: su-pres@hud.ac.uk


Good Luck
Matt G Huddersfield President

Category: Web site
Name: Sarah Francis
University: Herts


I like the website .. it is really kool Good luch for next week
Sarah Francis Herts

Category: Web site
Name: Hasan Patel
University: Leicester


Brooks go for the kill man,you are going to win, Leicester is behind you as most of the East Midlands are behind you. You will make a great President, Good Luck. P.S Great web site, the designer must be a genius.

Category: Web site
Name: someone u may know
University: somewhere in uk
Email: ??@??.??.??


now that you have lost the election i suggest that you familiarise yourself with your local benifits office as you will be visiting it often whilst claiming the dole next year

Category: Web site
Name: A very happy Labour Student
University: The University of Mandy Telford
Email: 1@


Aw what a shame you lost out, anyway you deserve to you were seen to be arrogant and full of shit, Mandy will make a good President Your Guru Mr Owain James had made a mistake in choosing you as his chosen one. Anyway not to worry giro cheques come out every Monday be sure to be there

Category: Manifesto
Name: Bird
University: Tweet Tweet
Email: me@hotmail.com


We know where you are Brooks!